July 29, 2011

Forgotten Mysteries

Vogue Taiwan: July 2011

Ylonka Verheul
Photographed: Ceen Wahren
Styled: Emma Thorstrand

It's Only Love

Photographs by Linda McCartney

Paul McCartney

Johnny Depp & Kate Moss

Jimi Hendrix

Paul McCartney - John Lennon


Brian Jones & Mick Jagger: New York 1966

Stella McCartney

Janis Joplin

Paul McCartney & John Lennon

Paul, Stella & James McCartney: Scotland 1982

The Beatles: London 1968

Jimi Hendrix Experience: London 1967

Janis Joplin - Yoko Ono

Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney

Ray Charles & Paul McCartney

The other day, I ran into these photographs and found them amazing. There so full of life and happiness! 

Vintage Illustrations

Vintage Vogue Covers

Oldies but goodies...

July 28, 2011

Will Do

TV On The Radio
Album: Nine Types of Light 2011

Love this album!

Lend Me Your Lens

                                              Photographer: Georges Antoni

So much beauty in these photographs, definitely one of my favorite fashion photographers.